One word sums up THE GLOBAL CIRCLE... Freedom

What is The Global Circle?

Simply put, the Global Circle represents the beautiful world we live in and all that it contains, from the diverse cultures to the animals and the stunning nature that surrounds us. 

At the Global Circle, we are on a mission to help and encourage people of all ages and all backgrounds to live the life of their dreams, to be free and to experience all that The Global Circle has to offer!

Personal freedom, financial freedom and geographic freedom are things we are really passionate about.

The Global Circle goes beyond the typically cliched digital nomad, 25 – 35 years old, a software developer, product manager, social media manager or entrepreneur.

Instead, we look at a broader picture, that of the Global Circler, a person of any age, nationality, profession or background who considers themselves a citizen of the world and wants to experience all that our planet has to offer without restrictions or fitting into a standardised box.

Travel the world, be free, live in different countries, learn new languages, work remotely and make new friends. That’s the Global Circle.

The Global Circle Club

The Global Circle is brought to you by the Global Circle Club, a travel club for Global Circlers looking for the best places to stay and work around the world.

The Global Circle Club was founded by Umesh Dhanji whose family has been nomadic since the early 1900s. Umesh was born and grew up in London, his parents grew up in Kenya and his grandparents were born and grew up in India.

Umesh is a Global Circler having lived in 4 countries and working remotely for more than a decade now.

We strongly believe that there’s more to life than simply chasing money. It’s about experiences, living your best life and making the most of our limited time on the Global Circle!

You can find Umesh on Linked in and on Instagram @globalcircler