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Nomad film
Laptop friendly cafes
Digital nomad insurance
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Nomad film
Laptop friendly cafes
Digital nomad insurance
Remote jobs
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Get your organisation featured on The Global Circle
We are super interested in featuring businesses and other organisations involved in the world of remote working / the future of work. Please complete the interview form below to get started.
Name of your organisation
What is your professional background?
Describe what your organisation does
When was your organisation founded?
Describe what your organisation does
What problem(s) are you solving or trying to solve and how?
Who are you doing this for (your target market)?
Are there remote workers in your organisation?
What are the main technologies you use to communicate internally?
How do you see the working landscape in say the next 10 to 20 years?
Any other info you would like to share
Social media
Your email Address
Upload image (minimum 800 px wide by 500 px high)
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Please provide an image we can use in the feature
Submit your interview
About us
Nomad film
Laptop friendly cafes
Digital nomad insurance
Remote jobs
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About us
Nomad film
Laptop friendly cafes
Digital nomad insurance
Remote jobs
Contact us